A little about ME!

Connection is everything to me! You’re more than just a client and I genuinely love getting to know you and really believe it’s a privilege to be part of such an exciting time in your life journey.

So it only seems fair I share a little about me, my vibe and the values I hold dear…

  • I don’t wear much makeup - I am THAT girl who loves the natural look!

  • I wholeheartedly embrace, celebrate & welcome diversity

  • I’m a little bit woo and spiritual, but never pushy with it. I’m Reiki 2 attuned and offer this holistic healing service in addition to hair and makeup.

  • I’m also a qualified accountant (not a boring one tho!) and before I did my hair and makeup training, spent almost 15 years working in Financial Services.

  • I will never insist you wear hair extensions, false lashes or follow the latest trend

  • I’m English, married to a Scotsman and we’ve been blessed with two gorgeous boys & a cat

  • I’m a Gemini (a June one!)

  • I listen to music more than I watch TV

  • I feel most peaceful when I’m by the sea

  • The best thing about my business is helping you to feel as beautiful as you are and take your confidence to a whole new level.